
Sam Tye is a MS student in the Biology Program. He  is primarily interested in microbiomes and bioremediation. He enjoys lifting weights and reading books about bioremediation and biotechnology.

Ray Flinn I am a MS student in the Biology program. I have interests in Molecular biology, Microbial ecology, Metagenomic analysis of microbes, as well as microbial biotechnology for hydrocarbon bioremediation. My hobbies include gardening, experimental archaeology, and sewing.

Ethan Constantine is a MS of Biology student. He is interested in studying microbiota in relation to medical science. In his free time he enjoys working out, lifting weights, running, training in martial arts, and gaming.

Past members

Zachary Mays, Chau Tran, Melissa Villatoro, Whitney Ortiz, Maireny Mundo, Kristi Welch, Rhoda Oladapo, Bradley Himes, Grayson Almond, Natalie Piazza

Prospective students

If you are interested in joining our lab, please send an email to Dr. Camila Carlos-Shanley (carlos-shanley at that includes:

  • a statement with the research topics that you are interested and your long-term career goals;
  •  a copy of your resume/CV;
  • unofficial academic transcripts;
  • GRE  and TOEFL (if available).